
Service-Wide Celebrations Guest User Service-Wide Celebrations Guest User

Harmony Week

During Harmony Week, we celebrate the wonderful diversity of the cultural backgrounds of those who live, work, study, learn, and play in Australia. I often use this week to reflect on diversity, equity, and inclusion, which are core values of Foundations Family Day Care, and how we apply them in our day to day lives. I was critically reflecting on this with a colleague when she asked a common question: What really is the difference between equity and equality?

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FFDC Celebrates Tutu Day

Tuesday 22nd of February, being 22/02/2022, we held a special celebration we called Tutu Day, due to the date sounding just like that. The idea behind Tutu Day was purely about fun. Over the last couple of years, our community has had so much pain, suffering, and isolation. We all deserve a little fun! Tutu Day was about bonding, having fun, and enjoying something for no other reason than fun.

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