FFDC Celebrates Tutu Day
From Kathi, our Director/Coordinator:
Tuesday 22nd of February, being 22/02/2022, we held a special celebration we called Tutu Day, due to the date sounding just like that.
Twirly Tutu Day fun!
The idea behind Tutu Day was purely about fun. Over the last couple of years, our community has had so much pain, suffering, and isolation. We all deserve a little fun! Tutu Day was about bonding, having fun, and enjoying something for no other reason than fun.
We dressed up, with many wearing a tutu. Some of our children chose to wear alternate costumes that were something special to them. It was lovely to see our staff, Educators, children, and even some family members join in on the fun.
We even had pets getting in on the Tutu Day excitement!
In terms of the Early Years Learning Framework, it definitely came under the headings of Belonging, Being, and Becoming, as our children explored and played on this special day.
From the perspective of the National Quality Standard, it “hit” so many of the Areas, Standards, and Elements, without us even having thought about that prior to the day, as we were more focused on fun. Across the service, we were able to meet criteria within Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The idea spread, with one staff member reporting their workplace had also adopted Tutu Day and quite a few of their staff wore tutus around the office. (Unfortunately, I have seen photos but I can’t share them: I would love to!)
We are very much looking forward to having more fun days like Tutu Day. Ideas are always welcome by contacting us on admin@ffdc.com.au. Check out the gallery below for a look at some Tutu Day adventures!