Early Childhood Assessment Resources
Here you’ll find various checklists to support your assessment of children, as well as the book Early Childhood Assessment: What, Why, and How by Catherine E Snow and Susan B Van Hemel, editors.
1. Front Matter pp R1-16
2. Summary pp 1-12
3. Part 1 - Early Childhood Assessment pp 13-14
4. Introduction pp 15-26
5 Purposeful Assessment pp 27-42
6. Perspectives on EC learning standards and assessment pp 43-56
7. Part II - Child Level outcomes and measures pp 57-60
8. Screening young children pp 61-84
9. Assessing Learning and development pp 85-144
10. Measureing Quality in EC environments pp 145-178
11. Part III - How to assess pp 179-180
12. Judging the quality in EC environments pp 181-232
13. Assessing all children pp 233-280
14. Implementation f EC Assessments pp 299-300
15. Part IV - Assessing systematically pp 301-340
16. Guidance on Outcomes and Assessments pp 341-376
17. References pp 377-420
18. Appendix A - Glossary of terms pp 421-428
19. Appendix B - Information on stakeholder forum pp 429-436
20. Appendix C - Development of state standards pp 437-448
21. Appendix D - Sources of detailed information on test and assessment instruments pp 449-454
22. Appendix E - Biographical sketches of committee members and staff pp 455-464
23. Index pp 465-484