Upload your documents

There are a number of documents we need from you as part of the application process. This form allows you to upload the required documents straight to our Dropbox. Please note: if you don't have all the documents below yet, that's okay - just submit what you have. We will need to gather all of the below documents from you prior to you commencing with us. Submitting what you have here gets the process started. Once you have submitted your documents, our coordination unit will be in contact with you to discuss your application. If you have any issues with uploading, please contact admin@ffdc.com.au Thank you for your interest in joining Foundations Family Day Care!

Please note: if you would like a receipt detailing the documents you upload, please follow these instructions to set up a FREE Dropbox account. FFDC is not affiliated with Dropbox - it is simply a piece of free software we recommend to all our Educators & Staff.